Harry Duran of the Podcast Junkies interviews Jonathan DeYoe, bestselling author of Mindful Investing and Mindful Money.

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Introducing the Habits for Happiness Quiz | NBER: Asset Demand of U.S. Households | Tree FM | Information That Would Get Your Attention | The 6 Best Budgeting Apps to Replace Mint in 2024

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What Is the Best Way to Handle Stress? | The Curious Joy of Being Wrong | Moving Goalposts | The ‘Enshittification’ of TikTok | 12 Lessons the Market Taught Investors in 2023

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Thanks to Kirk at MoneyTree for having me back for a second time. I love every chance I get to create a little simplicity in the money world. ABOUT THE EPISODE This week we interview Jonathan DeYoe about Mindful Money and 5 tips that you can use today for better financial health. ABOUT KIRK CHISHOLM

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web What I Wish Someone Had Told Me How life works! Three Insights to Help You Build Bridges Across Differences We’re all different. We hold differing beliefs and opinions. The “others” are not evil. Pluralism is the only way forward. The Age of Doom Things are not as

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web 3 Hard Truths You Need to Hear Want to get out of your own way? Mark Manson is an acquired taste, but absolutely worth listening to on a regular basis. 20 Timeless Truths of Health and Wellbeing The “how-to” of health and well-being are known. However, they

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Wanting What Someone Else Has If you’re going to envy (and you know that you are), be sure you’re envying the right things. How To Make Friends as an Adult Would you like 1 more friend? How about 2? Poet and Philosopher David Whyte on the Deeper

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It was an absolute honor to be interviewed by Robin Powell. You’ve heard me talk about “Evidence Based Investing.” The idea is everywhere now, but I first ran into it on Robin’s blog – The Evidence Based Investor. Thanks Robin, it was a pleasure. ABOUT THE EPISODE In this episode of The Investing Show, Jonathan

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Alignment: The Key to Success Nobody Ever Taught You Working with the natural order of things will always be easier than working against it. Let’s Go Community Shopping There are lots of different communal retirement living scenarios. 40% Of People Willfully Choose to Be Ignorant. Here’s Why

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