Receive Affordable Ongoing Personal Financial Guidance, Get Your Questions Answered In Real Time – and Stay In Control Of Your Financial Future
Mindful Money Membership is a group coaching program dedicated to keeping you on track towards your financial goals. In twice-monthly 90-minute sessions, it provides both ongoing education about personal finance topics and “behavioral coaching” around sticking to your plan. Membership includes:
Why Become a Mindful Money Member?
Imagine being able to relax and enjoy life without worrying about money. Imagine knowing that you’ll have enough to support the lifestyle you want for the rest of your life.
Growing our money to make that a reality doesn’t have to be as complicated and stressful as we are led to believe. We experience anxiety about day-to-day financial decisions, worry about how to beat inflation, stress about the risks of the market, procrastinate because we are intimidated.
If only more of us knew that a few simple practices could help us achieve financial freedom and a secure retirement. As a Mindful Money Member, you will learn about these simple practices.

I will walk you step-by-step through creating a “Mindful Portfolio,” an investment plan that involves a handful of low-cost, passive investments and requires minimal management to oversee. This plan takes the guesswork, stress and worry out of managing your money and saves you tens of thousands of dollars in advisor fees.
As a Member, you will then have the opportunity to, on a bi-weekly basis, receive regular guidance about the nitty gritty details of personal finance. Because sometimes education is not enough. Knowing the right things to do, but not doing it, gets you nowhere. Regular financial coaching – digging into the monthly details, answering questions, offering perspective – helps you bridge the knowing/doing gap. Those who DO fare better than those who KNOW. You will have your questions answered and hear your peers’ questions answered, quelling anxieties and allowing you to focus on living life instead of thinking and worrying about money.

You will also receive coaching on how to “stay the course” with your Mindful Portfolio. This behavioral support - the most valuable benefit of financial advice according to Morningstar and Vanguard – is at the core of the Mindful Money Membership. It is often tempting to react to media-driven hype around market activity and make bad choices arising from cognitive and emotional biases and social pressure. The Mindful Portfolio is specifically built for Inactivity, and I will help you keep it that way.
Mindful Money Membership is a cost-effective way to receive professional, trustworthy advice and ongoing support through bumps in the road. The benefit of thousands of dollars saved over hiring a personal advisor is compounded when those savings are invested….in your Mindful Portfolio.
How Membership Works:

1. Topic of the day
2. All things Mindful Money
3. Anything on your mind – we will do our best to get to every question
Membership Meeting Agenda:
Each 60-minute meeting will begin with an educational component, followed by an open Q&A session.
Mindful Money Monthly Maintenance
The first Tuesday of every month, we will go over 3-4 activities that members should complete during the month to stay on top of their finances. Not every activity will be relevant to every member – we will provide context throughout the conversations.
Ignore the Noise
The third Tuesday of every month, I will go over the "financial noise" - chatter in the media - and talk about markets, economies, and Mindful Portfolios. I will answer questions about how the constant flow of information affects (or more often doesn’t affect) our investment decisions.
This Time is [NEVER] Different
This is the occasional “just in case” meeting. Sometimes the world goes sideways, and the media starts screaming, and we risk our emotions overwhelming our better judgment. When this happens, we’ll open a forum for discussion and perspective.
What If The Live Events Don’t Fit My Schedule?

No problem, all the live events and Q&A sessions will be recorded for you to review at your convenience. You’ll also have a chance to submit your questions ahead of time so that even if you can't be there, you will get your specific questions answered.
While you’re encouraged to attend the live sessions, we also understand that time zone differences are a factor. You will still get all of your member benefits – and all the help you need – even if you can’t attend the live sessions.
How Do I Know if Membership is Right for Me?
The financial world is full of false promises, delusional beliefs, and sometimes outright lies. Most of what passes for financial journalism is an attempt to sell you on a manufacturer's product or a particular pundit's worldview. No one can predict what will happen next, so no amplification of good or bad messages is helpful in the long-term context.
Mindful Money’s philosophy is to avoid reacting to market fluctuations. We are a no-prediction zone. We do not care about the hot stock of the day, or Bitcoin, or the latest and greatest thing people invest in – because it does not matter in the long run.
Instead, we are goal-focused. We set a plan and we stick to it.
If you would like to understand more about this philosophy, and be introduced to frameworks and strategies to guide you in building and preserving wealth for your family in a goal-focused, planning-driven way, a Mindful Money Membership would be an ideal way to dive in.
Mindful Money’s Ten Foundational Principles
- 1The only sustainable basis for a relationship is mutual trust. I mean to tell the pure, undiluted truth – as I see it – all the time.
- 2The only rational medium for a teaching or guiding relationship (and the only basis for an investment portfolio) is a plan – be it a simple retirement income plan, or a comprehensive financial and estate plan.
- 3In the long run, the only sane definition of money is purchasing power. Currency, therefore, is NOT money. It’s just currency, and it loses some of its purchasing power every day because of inflation.
- 4Risk, properly defined, has less to do with the short-term loss of currency and more to do with the long-term loss of purchasing power. Over 4-5 decades preparing for retirement and 3-4 decades in retirement, inflation is the dominant risk factor.
- 5Equities (the partial ownership of the Great Companies in America and the World) have been far more effective than Bonds (and other fixed-income investments) at preserving and enhancing purchasing power. I prefer owning over lending.
- 6Equities’ superior long-term returns are a function of (in fact, they are directly caused by) their greater volatility. But volatility ≠ risk, because all historical declines are temporary, while the advance of equities has been permanent. Volatility fades; return endures.
- 7The economy, markets, and future relative performance of investments cannot consistently be predicted or timed. This is OK, because next to your asset allocation and the overriding issue of behavior, prediction and timing are irrelevant.
- 8NO ONE can gain an advantage over the equity markets by going into and out of it (or parts of it) in response to current events or perceived threats. I don’t attempt to analyze (much less predict) current events. I believe in patiently holding the portfolio which seems best suited to my long-term goals.
- 9Uncertainty – in markets and indeed the world – is the only certainty. We do not move from periods of uncertainty towards periods of certainty (as we imagine); rather we move from one uncertainty to the next. Our only option is to practice rationality in the midst of uncertainty.
- 10I believe that long-term optimism is the only long-term realism – never more so than at the present moment.
Become a Mindful Money Member Today!
Join the Membership Tier that works best for you.
Choose annual payments to save even more.
Live Access Plus
TOTAL VALUE: $10,442
You can trust us
What Clients Say About Jonathan DeYoe…
“Jonathan is a financial industry expert who earned our complete trust and confidence in the first year that we knew him. We have been to dozens of his presentations and he can always explain difficult "market" or "Economic" concepts in a way that we get it. His constant stream of commentary is our "Steady Hand On The Wheel" that has kept us from making big mistakes many, many times.”
“Sometimes life can be crazy and I wonder if I'm on the right path. Finding Jonathan DeYoe makes me confident the choices I've made have led me in the right direction. Perhaps a bit deep to write here, but Jonathan has helped us with more than just Wealth Management. He is a brilliant, optimistic guy with a keen understanding of how the world works; without a doubt, he sees the big picture. We are so, so fortunate to have found him.”
“Every advisor ends up sounding the same as they talk about planning and investing. Jonathan transforms the client-advisor relationship by helping clients focus on their unique brand of happiness. The reality is that no one can promise better money outcomes. By creating an eco-system to enhance client happiness, Jonathan improves both financial and life outcomes.”
Have Questions About Membership?
Below Are Some Common Questions And Answers:
Yes, this program is 100% online and accessible from any tablet, computer, or mobile device.
No problem, all the course materials and live sessions will be recorded for you to review at your convenience. While it’s encouraged for you to attend all the live sessions, I understand that time zone differences are a factor. I’ve designed the program for success even if you don’t attend live.
This will depend entirely on what you want to get out of membership. If you want support for your regular nitty-gritty to-do list, that’s one 60-minute meeting + 30-90 minutes staying on top of things (but… you will be on top of everything). If you’re looking for help keeping that steady hand on the wheel, that’s a different 60-minute meeting. Attending both meetings would be 2-3 hours / month.
We anticipate that not everyone will attend every meeting, so you should not feel like it is a necessity to do so. Anything you miss will be available in the Member portal.
At each of the membership levels (Basic Access, Live Access, and Live Access Plus), there are two ways to pay. You can get started at the monthly rate, or make one annual payment to save approximately 15%:
* Basic Access: $47/month or $470/year ($94 savings)
* Live Access: $97/month or $970/year ($194 savings)
* Live Access Plus: $247/month or $2667/year ($297 savings)
Meet Your Instructor
Hi, I’m Jonathan,
As a Lutheran seminarian turned Buddhist academic turned financial advisor, I am always bridging money and life.
I’ve been investing in public markets for over four decades, in real estate for nearly three decades, and in other private businesses for over twenty years. After all this investing experience, I am passionate about a goal-focused and planning-driven (as opposed to market-focused) approach to personal finance.

My 25-year career has been devoted to financial education and getting advice to people locked out of traditional advice networks. You can read more about me HERE and HERE.
My brother David and I dreamed of working together to bring the very best financial advice to people like our parents when they were in their 30s. There were no investments to speak of and they were just barely getting by… they had nowhere to turn for education or advice.
No advisor would speak to them.
No bank would lend to them.
Brokers were only interested in selling them products.
In 2021, David drowned in the Pacific Ocean. I wanted to carry on our dream, both to honor my brother and to support my brother’s family who lost their primary source of income.
I merged my financial planning and investing business into a larger firm and am focusing on providing access to those who traditionally don’t have access – like my parents so many years ago.
As the bestselling author of Mindful Investing: Right Focus, Better Outcome, Greater Well-Being and Mindful Money: Simple Practices for Reaching Your Financial Goals and Increasing Your Happiness Dividend, I believe that anyone can experience a vibrant, financially successful life by developing a few important beliefs and following a few simple practices.
I look forward to sharing what I have learned and helping you reach financial independence!