Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Reading The News is the New Smoking   For most of us, a reduction in news consumption would probably lead to better decisions and greater happiness. Why Optimists Live Longer Than The Rest Of Us   I believe this research, but I’m not sure it’s helpful. I

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web How the Brain ‘Constructs’ the Outside World   We don’t see the whole picture. We build the world on top of our own filtered experience. How to Be a Little Less Judgmental   It takes an indescribable amount of energy to judge everything. It’d be best for

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Not Financial Advice. This is a great piece from Young Money: the best personal finance blog you’ve never heard of. Tell your kids to read this blog. Compounded Luck Advantages compound. Disadvantages compound. A society can be judged on how it handles unearned advantages. Mentality The job

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One of my favorite financial bloggers (J. Money – the OG of #personalfinance bloggers) removed himself from the game (i.e. sold his blog – Budgets Are Sexy) in late 2019.  Hot off the presses… he is back! Evidently, the buyer couldn’t get done what they hoped and J. Money is back in the saddle. I

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web How a Massive Refinery Shortage is Contributing to High Gas Prices Would you invest in a horse & buggy company after you saw the first automobile come off the line? High gas prices are a feature of the transition to renewable energy. The First Global Credit Crisis

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The S&P 500 declined 23.6% from it’s all-time high of 4,796.6 on January 3rd to a closing low (so far) of 3,666.8 on June 16th. The index finished its worst first half since 1970 at 3785.4. The violence of the decline peaked in mid-June when the market ran off a streak of five out of

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Optimism When All Else Fails “I think the real and tangible thing we can do is not give up.” Beach Currents Don’t Have to Be This Deadly Last year, my brother was one of the hundreds of people who drowned after getting caught in the rip current.

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When Dave died, one of the most beautiful parts of my life and a huge part of my future died with him. We had plans that we will never be able to fulfill and this changed my life forever. I will be talking about some of our plans on the Mindful Money Podcast in the

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web One-Third of Americans Making $250,000 Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck: Survey My mom might say, “Cry me a river.” We need an income, and that income should grow throughout our lives. But financial success has never been just about what we earn. Oliver Burkeman’s Last Column: The Eight Secrets to

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