Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web The Benefits of Not Being a Jerk To Yourself (Video) Why “Loving Kindness” is one of my favorite meditations. In my experience, this excellent description is all true. Can Movies Help You Become a Better Person?   Go ahead, watch that movie guilt-free… you are working on

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The last “F” in BFF stands for forever. Forever isn’t over when somebody dies. I was recently on a podcast that features BFFs. The podcast, “How I Met My BFF” is hosted by Leisa Reid & Tamara Kindred (whose couch I crashed on one summer in college). Tamara, thanks for the opportunity to remember. ABOUT

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web American Crisis: How We Lost Our Faith in the Future and How To Get It Back It shouldn’t always be about how bad it is or has become; it should be about how good it can (will) be. I look forward to these essays. Tevye On The

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Letters from a Vanishing Friend A long, worth-it, bear-hug of a read. Lovely. Europe’s Best Cities: Powered By Resonance   Travel expands our minds and hearts. It enhances our sense of connection and adds to our well-being. Letting Teenagers Work   Kids should go back to work

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“Investing” means you put something in to get something out. It could be that you’re putting in effort at the gym so you can improve your fitness. Or, you and your partner might invest time with a couple’s therapist so you can communicate better and enjoy an improved relationship. These are both investing. In personal

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web How I Changed My Perspective When I Was Too Angry to Be Grateful Next level gratitude. I am thankful for what I have because it enables me to help others. A Few Lessons on Showing Up   No matter what outcome you’re looking for – showing up

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Why Friendships Among Men Are So Important I am so happy to have a small group of 4 men that allow me to totally fall apart without judgment. This is so important. Ten Charts I Can’t Stop Thinking About I just love really good graphs stuffed with

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web How to Bear Your Loneliness: Grounding Wisdom from the Great Buddhist Teacher Pema Chödrön How dealing with our most difficult emotions can lead to deep awakenings. Twelve New Films That Highlight the Best in Humanity We are always shown the worst at every turn. Here is taste

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There is a lot of ink spilled on the how’s and wherefore’s of deferring our gratification. But, with so many choices in front of us in every moment… why should we bother? Why not live in the moment, do what we want when we want, consume what we want when we want? Why should we

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