One of the most important lessons we can learn when we’re talking about markets and economies is how little we can actually “KNOW” about the future. The strict limitations of our knowledge as it applies to personal finance are important to understand… especially for folks who are paying really close attention to their monthly statements (and

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Planning is so important. Your plan is to your financial life what your breath is to your meditation. It is the focal point that enables the calm. If you have a good plan and a resilient portfolio, you can let go of that noise. It is the letting go of the other stuff that enables

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I’m regularly called upon to talk about personal finance and wealth management, but I rarely have the opportunity to discuss “angel” investing. I have done it, primarily investing in people I know, but I wouldn’t say I’m an expert. I enjoyed talking with Hall about seed deals and the challenges involved. We also discussed my

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One week before the end of the first quarter, March 23rd, marked the 1-year anniversary of the pandemic’s bear market low. The low closing price of the iShares MSCI All-Country World Index (ACWI) ETF was 54.33 at that time. On March 31st, 2021 it stood at 95.15 – a gain of over 75% (not including

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It’s also National Canine Fitness, National Fresh Celery, and International Guitar Month (among so many other designations), but let’s not get distracted. What is financial literacy? In 2008, the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy defined financial literacy as “the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage financial resources effectively for a lifetime of

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Thanks AJ. I love how you pull on different threads and how we don’t have to agree on everything to have a great conversation. BTW – I had no idea that we talked for an hour. My highlight, “You have a choice: you can protect your currency or you can protect your money.” At some

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My son, Eli, gave his mom a meme subscription for her B-day. His promise was simple; he would scour the Internet and send her a meme each day for the entire year. I think it lasted 3 weeks before he missed the first day and then it slowly crumbled from there. Eli quickly discovered that

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Great questions Taylor. It’s a nice illusion that we have about ourselves – that we gather all the relevant data and weigh and measure before we make rational decisions. In truth, our cognitive and emotional biases make most of the decisions for us. “Mindfulness” can give us a path around the biases. Mindfulness can be

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For context: We’ve been here before. This article is itself a refresh from an article I wrote on this topic in 2014 – many percentage points below where we sit today. You may have heard that the stock market is at “all-time highs.” This trend portends either unparalleled disaster or boundless opportunity for investors –

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