In his 2021 Forecasts Event (held January 25, 2021), Jonathan K. DeYoe discusses the global markets and economies in light of Covid-19 other current events and offers an explanation of where we might be going.

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Great conversation with my new friend, Dave Pamah. We grabbed every “third rail” of communication we could – politics, religion, and money – and we held on tight to the end. Thanks Dave. ABOUT THE DAVE PAMAH SHOW The Dave Pamah show seeks to revive, restore, awaken and reform your innermost capabilities. Dave connects you

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As a goal-focused planning-oriented advisor, this is not my circus. But I’ve received more than a few questions. Over the full arc of this trade some will win and some will lose, and there will be a lot of blame and a lot of questions of legality and ethics. Avoiding this craziness is the main

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Meet Paul Rubin, a financial planner at Mindful Money. In this interview, Paul talks about what mindfulness means to him and his experience at Mindful Money. Money is powerful. It can both add to and detract from all areas of our lives. But human nature puts us at risk of making irrational financial choices. Today

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You may recall from prior years that our January letter is longer than other quarters because it includes the annual restatement of our Guiding Principles before we talk about lessons learned or make observations about our current environment. GUIDING PRINCIPLES: We are goal-focused and planning-driven. We exist within a culture of personal finance that is

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Once you have a sound investment plan, one of the most dangerous questions you can ask yourself is, “Should I change my investing strategy, because _____?” It usually starts out like this… You’re investing exactly as your plan suggests you do. You’re appropriately allocating across asset classes. You’re diversifying within them. You’re saving at least

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Travis Chappell understands that it’s not what you know, it’s who you know that matters. Thank you Travis for a great conversation – and for the the brief tip down memory lane. It was a great reminder of all the people who have made a difference in my life. #thanks #thankyou #gratitude #thankyousgalore ABOUT THE

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Late into the day on December 21, Congress finally passed a much anticipated (and arguably long-overdue) second stimulus package. Signed by the President on December 27, the new stimulus package has already begun affecting Americans as we ring in the new year. I knew it happened when I received an email from a client on

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A great conversation about the importance of having goals and getting the financial education you need. Thanks Shalom. ABOUT GET DOWN TO BUSINESS WITH SHALOM KLEIN Join Shalom Klein each week and get down to business! An avid networker and dedicated entrepreneur, Shalom will share the advice you need, the strategies that work and the

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