Jonathan DeYoe shares his message of gratitude on behalf of Team Mindful Money along with 3 simple gratitude practices we can apply to our daily lives. Yes, even in 2020 there is so very much we are grateful for. More than anything, we are grateful for you.

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Team Mindful Money discusses societal trends and high-frequency economic data in light of the 2020 election, vaccine availability, and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade deal, and the potential impacts on our economy and investments.

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During his run for President, Joe Biden released a 110-page document to shed more light on his economic plan.  I wanted to explore what the implications might be on your retirement. I’m not making any assumptions, but given that Trump’s re-election would yield more of the same chaos, I wanted to imagine what the next

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The coronavirus is still very much with us, as is much of the economic dislocation occasioned by the virus and accompanying lockdowns. We are closing in rapidly on a number of vaccines. But it may be quite some time before most of us will have access to them, and there will inevitably be frustration in

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In Session #6 of Terre Passero’s Mindful Stress Management course, we reviewed and discussed the following topics: Post 6-week series self assessment Practice • Mindful walking • Mindful eating • Gratitude Review Stress Management Toolbox Set intentions to continue your practice Identify resources to support your practice Relevant Materials: ► Perceived Stress Scale ► Mindful

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In Session #5 of Terre Passero’s Mindful Stress Management course, we:  Reviewed the 9 mindfulness qualities that form the major pillars of mindfulness practice:  Beginner’s mind; Acknowledgement/acceptance; Non-striving; Non-judging; Patience; Letting it be; Trust; Gratitude; Generosity Practiced Mindfulness: Awareness of Breath Practiced applying the conditions for awareness, change, growth to your everyday life  Relevant Materials: 

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Team Mindful Money discusses leading economic indicators, job numbers and unemployment, as well as the Bay Area real estate market and how the election will affect the markets.

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In Session #4 of Terre Passero’s Mindful Stress Management course we learned how stress can aid or raid us of our motivation, health, and performance. What if you could manage or recover from stressful situations so you can feel calmer, more focused and be effective? In this session we learn how to: • Recognize how

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Team Mindful Money discusses market and economic trends that signal where we are within current market volatility. Topics include leading indicators such as the travel industry, unemployment, and the real estate market.

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