Today, I want to lay down a marker. THIS IS WHEN YOU BUY! The great companies of the US and the World are on sale. That sale may (or may not) get better. If it does get better, it won’t get that much better. There will be some point in the not-too-distant future where we

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Americans Are Terrible at Taking Vacations. Why Are U.S. Workers So Bad at Taking Time Off?   Even those who have vacation time use it sparingly. Life is short, we need to get serious about R&R. The Best of Times   The joys of running a small

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You’ve heard me say it over and over… and over and over… and over and over again. Creating a retirement income that rises to match your rising cost of living and lasts the rest of your life, while at the same time creating a legacy that potentially lasts across generations, is possible – even for

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Five Lessons from History   Every single one of these is spot on… #3 and #4 are my personal favorites. What are yours? How to Avoid the Envy Trap   Here are 6 practical tools to help you avoid comparing yourself to others. I would start with

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Thanks Clint. That was a great conversation on so many levels. I’ve never been asked to equate the Buddha, Dharma, Sangha as support structures in a spiritual life with support elements in the life of personal finance. Also, I really enjoyed seeing the Twitter thread based on our conversation – my first. ABOUT THE EPISODE

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We know – vividly – what has already happened. We can never know what will come next. The humble recognition of this truth should be the foundation of any long-term investment philosophy. The question is, “Given that we cannot know what comes next, how should we invest?” From a micro level, when a company knows

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Confidence and Validity   The confidence an expert exudes has less to do with the validity of their intuition than the domain in which the expert operates. “A Good Study”   Being published is NOT proof that the science is settled. Did they show their work? Was

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I have been in financial services for over 2 decades, and there are 5 things I see (over and over) that take people away from their financial success. They are: Spend > Earn Retire Too Early Panic Sell Excited Buy No Planning Spend > Earn This one seems so obvious, yet so many people do

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Neuroscientist: How Caffeine Works and What It Does to Your Body (Video)   Why I love coffee. (I have no idea how true any of this is, but it feels true). Closing Down the Billionaire Factory   The world of private equity is a parasite on the

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