Jonathan DeYoe shares his message of gratitude on behalf of Team Mindful Money along with 3 simple gratitude practices we can apply to our daily lives. Yes, even in 2020 there is so very much we are grateful for. More than anything, we are grateful for you.

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Laurie’s direct honesty and vulnerability about her own money story is refreshing. If we could all start with a little honesty with ourselves, we would be better off both individually AND collectively. Thanks Laurie. ABOUT THE EPISODE: From Laurie Ruettimann: I’ve got a book coming out in January and there’s a chapter in there all

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Thanks Adam. It was great to be on the show. Given your own industry history, I am happy that you approve of our education mission because you know as well as anyone that Mission Matters. SUMMARY Financial planning is not about money and the real benefits of financial planning are not financial. At its best,

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Age demographics are shifting. People are living longer than ever before, and we’re stressing our global health and retirement systems as a result. When Social Security was designed, you worked for 40 years, retired, and then died 5 years later on average. The money you paid into the program went on to support those who

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Kurt, thanks for a fun conversation. Always a pleasure to talk with a like-minded soul about all the incredible potential good our industry is capable of… if we could just stop focusing on the product and start focusing on the people! Follow Financial Leadership Intelligence with Purpose (FLiP) FLiP Podcast | Instagram | About Kurt

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Tyler, totally agree that Alan Watts is a great introduction to Western Buddhism and that his voice is soothing to the ear. Thanks for a great conversation. P.S. Careful of those 3-4 month hypnosis events! In this interview we talked about the challenges of our reactions to what is going on in the world, and how practicing

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What is “Normal” anyway? The world of COVID-19 is, at least for the foreseeable future, the reality facing us. 10 years ago, that reality was the Great Recession. 10 years from now… it’s anyone’s guess what may be happening. As a good friend of mine said, “If it’s not one thing, it’s another.” We must

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Thanks Lois for a great conversation and exploration of what matters. I really appreciate your focus on legacy and what we leave behind. Here are a few things we covered: 1) The importance of our physiological, psychological, and cultural response to money, 2) Why sometimes the best thing you can do with your investments is

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Open your browser or turn on the TV and you will find the echo chamber is at it again. The recession continues. A stock market crash is imminent. Bonds have no or negative yields. There is nowhere to hide. If you’re not investing in XYZ, you’re missing out. We can try to tune it out

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