Those of you who regularly read my weekly missives already know that my younger brother died on June 17th.  In the parlance of our childhood games, he was my “base.” In a game of tag (and a variety of run and chase games), you were always safe on base. In the last 2 decades he

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One week before the end of the first quarter, March 23rd, marked the 1-year anniversary of the pandemic’s bear market low. The low closing price of the iShares MSCI All-Country World Index (ACWI) ETF was 54.33 at that time. On March 31st, 2021 it stood at 95.15 – a gain of over 75% (not including

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In his 2021 Forecasts Event (held January 25, 2021), Jonathan K. DeYoe discusses the global markets and economies in light of Covid-19 other current events and offers an explanation of where we might be going.

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You may recall from prior years that our January letter is longer than other quarters because it includes the annual restatement of our Guiding Principles before we talk about lessons learned or make observations about our current environment. GUIDING PRINCIPLES: We are goal-focused and planning-driven. We exist within a culture of personal finance that is

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Late into the day on December 21, Congress finally passed a much anticipated (and arguably long-overdue) second stimulus package. Signed by the President on December 27, the new stimulus package has already begun affecting Americans as we ring in the new year. I knew it happened when I received an email from a client on

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Rather than looking at where we are and seeing how many things are wrong (which, of course, is a totally reasonable choice – many things ARE wrong), let’s instead look at where we are and see how incredibly far we have come… if only for a moment. We have this choice every day. We can

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In the recent election, California’s Proposition 19 was passed. The new law, which takes effect on February 16 of next year, changes property taxation on primary residences and other residential properties owned by families. Current law states that when a primary residence is transferred to a child or grandchild, the property maintains its value for

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Team Mindful Money discusses the slowdown of market improvements, unemployment claims, current budget deficit, pending stimulus, possible double-dip recession and spike in new business starts — as well as the lessons learned by 2020 financial predictions. ► Bloomberg 2020 Predictions Article:

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Eli DeYoe performs a holiday medley for friends, family and anyone in need of a smile this holiday season. ► Subscribe to Eli’s YouTube Channel: ► Follow Eli on Soundcloud:

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