There is a lot of talk about financial literacy in America these days, and for good reason. According to the 2018 National Financial Capability Study, Americans are struggling: The divide between the struggling and the prosperous is widening. 53% of Americans report feeling anxious about finances. 42% have been late on a student loan payment;

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Thanks AJ. I love how you pull on different threads and how we don’t have to agree on everything to have a great conversation. BTW – I had no idea that we talked for an hour. My highlight, “You have a choice: you can protect your currency or you can protect your money.” At some

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My son, Eli, gave his mom a meme subscription for her B-day. His promise was simple; he would scour the Internet and send her a meme each day for the entire year. I think it lasted 3 weeks before he missed the first day and then it slowly crumbled from there. Eli quickly discovered that

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Great questions Taylor. It’s a nice illusion that we have about ourselves – that we gather all the relevant data and weigh and measure before we make rational decisions. In truth, our cognitive and emotional biases make most of the decisions for us. “Mindfulness” can give us a path around the biases. Mindfulness can be

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Money can be a touchy topic for many people and can even induce anxiety and fears. Many people avoid planning their finances because they believe it will be too difficult. Today in our Mindful Money talk, we interviewed David Glotzer who provided some helpful advice about financial planning and overcoming fear. Continue reading to learn

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Most of my interviews stick to wealth building or investing in general. Thanks Gresh for inviting me to talk about leadership. “Being a CEO” is still new to me. I’m making the transition from being a guy who has a financial planning practice, to running a business that I hope (and believe) will thrive beyond

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For context: We’ve been here before. This article is itself a refresh from an article I wrote on this topic in 2014 – many percentage points below where we sit today. You may have heard that the stock market is at “all-time highs.” This trend portends either unparalleled disaster or boundless opportunity for investors –

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Money is personal — everyone has a unique relationship to it. People often make irrational, and emotional money decisions by following trends and what the media tells them to do. In this interview, Jonathan talks about the importance of managing your money, and how he manages his clients’ money with mindfulness. Jonathan also discusses overcoming

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Cedric, your comments about growing up with very little while surrounded by others who had very little really got me thinking about the difference between that and how I grew up – having very little but surrounded by others who had much more. I think this early feeling of relative “lack” was the thing that

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