Last week we introduced two different definitions of risk. Loss of principal Uncertainty about lifetime consumption This week I want to place those definitions into the context of a lifetime financial plan to help with the understanding that, while investment bankers and analysts define the risk of a particular investment in terms of the loss

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Why The Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid I didn’t share this last week because I had not read the whole thing. Now that I’ve read it – twice – I think it is the most important thing we can read. It is

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The standard – Oxford English Dictionary – definition of risk is: Noun: A situation involving exposure to danger.       Verb: To expose (someone or something valued) to danger, harm, or loss. It is easy to see how both the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) transferred this

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web The Pyramid of Leisure For context, I’ve been asking anyone that would answer what they “do” in retirement or with their excess time and no one seems to be very happy with how they spend their leisure. If you wonder the same thing, this might help. This

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We have spent the last three weeks highlighting the three measurable and controllable percentages that are absolutely critical to your long-term financial plan, especially your retirement-income success. They are (with links): Savings Rate: The percentage of your income you save Equity Allocation: The percentage of your portfolio you place in equities Withdrawal Rate: The percentage

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web The Flood of ’72: Fifty Years Later Podcast Trauma begets recollections of trauma. When I was 7 months old, a flood destroyed much of my hometown, Rapid City, SD, killing 238 people. My dad, working for the local power company, discovered many bodies. The stories started coming

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The last couple weeks we’ve been highlighting the only three percentages that matter. These are the three measurable and controllable percentages that are absolutely critical to your long-term financial plan, especially your retirement-income success: Savings Rate: The percentage of your income you save Equity Allocation: The percentage of your portfolio you place in equities Withdrawal

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Brett and I had a great discussion about the importance of “going inside” – finding out what truly matters to us as a first step on our path to financial wellbeing – then creating a plan and putting it into action. Thanks for having me on the show, Brett! ABOUT THE EPISODE Episode Details Here  ABOUT

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Mapped: Global Happiness Levels in 2022 Global happiness in pictures. 2022 World Happiness Report The full World Happiness Report for 2022. Putin and Xi Exposed the Great Illusion of Capitalism Globalization, with all of its warts, is a good thing. When we think of future leaders, the

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