Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Get Rich Without Working: The Dark Fantasy of Today   Anything that suggests “The easy path to X” is bullshit. Google’s Former Happiness Guru Developed a Three-Second Brain Exercise for Finding Joy   Enduring happiness begins by noticing the thin slices of joy happening all the time.

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web The Real Magic of Rituals   Feeling in control (even if it isn’t true) helps us perform better. 2022 Photo Contest Winners   Some of the most beautiful photos… ever. (Thanks for the link, Chuck.) Naturally Produce More Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphin and Oxytocin for a Happier Brain

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Six New Studies That Can Help You Rediscover Gratitude   All 6 of course, but especially #5. If you learn to express gratitude, you are less likely to find yourself wishing you had expressed it. Happy Talk   Your investments are benefited by remembering your honest optimism.

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Since my brother died, my meditation practice has been spotty because whenever I attempt to sit quietly I’m quickly overwhelmed by feelings of loss surrounding Dave’s death. From a meditation practice perspective, this is emotional overwhelm. When I brought this up with a teacher, I learned that the brain’s response to overwhelm is the same,

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Thank you, Doc for an excellent conversation. ABOUT THE EPISODE Doc G of the Earn & Invest Podcasts talks with Jonathan DeYoe of Mindful Money about how to be thoughtful about what our financial framework is meant to support.  Jonathan takes us through his pillars of happiness and how to use them to create a

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web “Isn’t Personal Finance Pretty Simple?!”   Yes, personal finance is simple –but keeping it simple is hard. Men Are Struggling. A New Book Explores Why and What to Do About It   “Right now there are enough young men, and men generally, who feel that they’re being

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To borrow from Churchill, “The balanced (stock/bond) portfolio is the worst form of investing known to man, except for all the other forms.” All forms of investment have some kind of risk associated with them. If they did not, they would not provide the necessary opportunity for return. Riskless is the same thing as returnless.

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Expectations and Reality   Our expectations are the problem, not the outcomes. Life is Too Short? Bereaved Managers and Investment Decisions   I absolutely knew this intuitively – it was one among many reasons for our merger 1 year ago. Now there is data proving the intuition.

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Thank you, Adam for a fantastic conversation. ABOUT THE EPISODE Jonathan shares a lot of timeless advice with the audience about being mindful with your money. He explains the difference between currency and money, he discusses the two most important things in life, how to quiet your mind and stop reacting to external stimulus, and

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