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Weekend Reading | Saturday, October 7, 2023

Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web

The 15 Happiest Places to Live in the U.S.

Is your location affecting your mood? Here are a few happier options according to Outside Magazine.

Finding Awe Amid Everyday Splendor

Ever hike up a super steep hill – head down, breathing hard – come over the final rise, and see a stand of enormous redwoods? That sense of “awe” is good for us.

The Paradox of Control

The truth is… we cannot control outcomes. We don’t even entirely control our own inputs. We do our best and we let the rest go.

Why Do Economists Get Paid More Than Sociologists?


Supply, Demand, and Compensation… the fact that some get paid more than others tells a story. In some cases, that may be a story of “power,” but it’s more likely a story of “market forces.”

The Curse of Short-Termism

The fundamental problem of investing. Our long-term outcomes are so often driven by our short-term emotional responses.


Whatever your age, if you seek financial independence, then there are three things you need:

1. Your independence number
2. A resilient “all-weather” portfolio – what we call a Mindful Portfolio
3. A responsive withdrawal process – what we call Mindful Management 

If you are not clear about any of these items, I hope you will join us for our Financial Independence Bootcamp where we will answer each of these questions together. 

Always reading, always learning, Jonathan hand-selects these articles for readers each week. To view Jonathan’s curated articles from previous weeks, CLICK HERE.

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