When “Happy” is out of the question, reach for “Happier.”

“This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”

Lower fee management has a higher probability of beating their index than higher fee management… across the board!
Full Steam Ahead: All Aboard Fiscal Dominance

A lot of good information here about labor, income, and inequalities.
Charted: The Pyramid of S&P 500 Returns (1874-2024)

One of my favorite young economists talking about the financial pickle we are in!
Whatever your age, if you seek financial independence, then there are three things you need:
1. Your independence number
2. A resilient “all-weather” portfolio – what we call a Mindful Portfolio
3. A responsive withdrawal process – what we call Mindful Management
If you are not clear about any of these items, I hope you will join us for our Financial Independence Bootcamp where we will answer each of these questions together.
Always reading, always learning, Jonathan hand-selects these articles for readers each week. To view Jonathan’s curated articles from previous weeks, CLICK HERE.