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Weekend Reading | Saturday, January 25, 2025

Being Happier Costs Nothing

When “Happy” is out of the question, reach for “Happier.”

Why We Struggle

“This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”

Fees Sorted Well in 2024

Lower fee management has a higher probability of beating their index than higher fee management… across the board!

Full Steam Ahead: All Aboard Fiscal Dominance

A lot of good information here about labor, income, and inequalities.

Charted: The Pyramid of S&P 500 Returns (1874-2024)

One of my favorite young economists talking about the financial pickle we are in!


Whatever your age, if you seek financial independence, then there are three things you need:

1. Your independence number
2. A resilient “all-weather” portfolio – what we call a Mindful Portfolio
3. A responsive withdrawal process – what we call Mindful Management 

If you are not clear about any of these items, I hope you will join us for our Financial Independence Bootcamp where we will answer each of these questions together. 

Always reading, always learning, Jonathan hand-selects these articles for readers each week. To view Jonathan’s curated articles from previous weeks, CLICK HERE.

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