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Weekend Reading | Saturday, March 11, 2023

Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web

Examining the History of the U.S. Racial Wealth Divide Shows Stagnating Progress on Closing These Disparities

We have made a lot of progress, but the gap is still very wide and progress has slowed.

In Defense of the Unoptimized Life


Stop with all the productivity hacking for the sake of productivity.

Americans Largely Satisfied With Their Personal Life


We are mostly satisfied… kind of goes against the idea that everything is falling apart.

How Sensitive People Can Stop Taking Things So Personally in Their Relationships


When Kate and I have an issue, it is almost because I am being too sensitive. I trace it to #1.

The Long Term Investor: How to Measure the Success of Your Portfolio (Podcast)

What benchmarks are for, and why we remain goal-focused and planning-driven.



Whatever your age, if you seek financial independence, then there are three things you need:

1. Your independence number
2. A resilient “all-weather” portfolio – what we call a Mindful Portfolio
3. A responsive withdrawal process – what we call Mindful Management 

If you are not clear about any of these items, I hope you will join us for our Financial Independence Bootcamp where we will answer each of these questions together. 

Always reading, always learning, Jonathan hand-selects these articles for readers each week. To view Jonathan’s curated articles from previous weeks, CLICK HERE.

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