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Weekend Reading | Saturday, December 10, 2022

Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web

The Real Magic of Rituals


Feeling in control (even if it isn’t true) helps us perform better.

2022 Photo Contest Winners


Some of the most beautiful photos… ever. (Thanks for the link, Chuck.)

Naturally Produce More Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphin and Oxytocin for a Happier Brain


Some simple practices to hack your brain for happiness.

Experienced Well-Being Rises with Income, Even Above $75,000 Per Year

Turns out that both “Experienced Well-Being” and “Life Satisfaction” ARE correlated with income (contrary to previous studies). This is the 2nd recent study that says so.

Publication Bias in Economics

Less than 1/3 of the studies that claim to prove something in economics actually prove anything.


Whatever your age, if you seek financial independence, then there are three things you need:

1. Your independence number
2. A resilient “all-weather” portfolio – what we call a Mindful Portfolio
3. A responsive withdrawal process – what we call Mindful Management 

If you are not clear about any of these items, I hope you will join us for our Financial Independence Bootcamp where we will answer each of these questions together. 

Always reading, always learning, Jonathan hand-selects these articles for readers each week. To view Jonathan’s curated articles from previous weeks, CLICK HERE.

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