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Podcast: Money You Should Ask | Mindful With Money: Jonathan DeYoe

Bob and I had a great conversation about what gets in the way of our personal growth (and financial success) and how mindfulness can help us reach better outcomes.

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[3:45] Staying focused on what’s important to you.

[6:31] “The thing you don’t have is the thing you covet”

[10:19] The desire to be a millionaire is shorthand for, “I want to feel financially secure.”

[17:03] What’s your bank balance comfort zone?

[20:33] Auto investing, auto-saving and auto spending. It doesn’t mean auto pilot.

[25:56] Mindful Money book & The Happiness Dividend.

The first step on your path to financial health is knowing what your goals are. Mindful Money’s Values, Purpose & Goals mini-course is designed to help you do just that. This course module will discuss life, vision, and values, and introduce mission and budgeting. And it’s Free. Register Now!


Money You Should Ask is a weekly podcast that delves into the nitty-gritty aspects of life, money, success and abundance. Host Bob Wheeler, talks candidly with guests from all walks of life-from the average Joe to the outrageous celebrity, radiating his infectious curiosity around money and life.

Please take a listen as Bob delves deep into each guest’s unique journey exploring money beliefs, money blocks, and sharing their extraordinary successes & challenges in life and career.

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