Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web The Pyramid of Leisure For context, I’ve been asking anyone that would answer what they “do” in retirement or with their excess time and no one seems to be very happy with how they spend their leisure. If you wonder the same thing, this might help. This

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web The Flood of ’72: Fifty Years Later Podcast Trauma begets recollections of trauma. When I was 7 months old, a flood destroyed much of my hometown, Rapid City, SD, killing 238 people. My dad, working for the local power company, discovered many bodies. The stories started coming

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Brett and I had a great discussion about the importance of “going inside” – finding out what truly matters to us as a first step on our path to financial wellbeing – then creating a plan and putting it into action. Thanks for having me on the show, Brett! ABOUT THE EPISODE Episode Details Here  ABOUT

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web We Desperately Need to Disrupt Our Approach to Retirement Saving We aren’t saving enough for the old version of retirement. The only way these new ideas work is if individuals expand their “earning” years and we save substantially more than we are saving currently. A Once Radical

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Berkeley May Explore Making Reparations to Black Residents A friend of mine just wrote this article. It’s important that we keep talking and writing, but it is more important that we start doing. A Startup Is Sucking CO2 From the Sky and Making Diamonds. No More Mining?

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Yes! No. Maybe? No one knows, and it doesn’t matter to long-term, goal-focused, and planning-driven investors. Always remember, the market cannot be timed. By definition, no one knows for sure that we’re in a recession while we’re in the recession. A recession is 2 consecutive quarters of GDP decline, and they’re “called” by the National

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Heuristics That Almost Always Work The most dangerous mental shortcuts are the ones that work ALMOST all of the time. Let Your Kids Be Bad at Things Why is it so hard to just let them do their thing, warts and all? My therapist often asks the

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Rocky, thanks for humoring me and joining me on the whole “Wealth is having a moment in our culture” riff. I think we have to be careful not to demonize people with money. ABOUT ROCKY LALVANI & RICHER SOUL Wealth Coach Rocky Lalvani, MBA, Enrolled Agent IRS, helps people who have financial success utilize their

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web How To Want Less “Satisfaction” is the new code word for true happiness. Why You (Probably) Won’t Finish Reading This Story It’s not that we are collectively going insane, or that we lack willpower. It’s that our attention is being intentionally stolen. It’s part of the business

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