Happy to reconnect with an old acquaintance and go deeper personally. I was introduced to the Million Mask Movement when Ashanti came to our kids’ middle school to give a presentation about the masks that boys wear on the playground. It resonated and I was super excited to be invited to his podcast, Taking Off

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Last week I talked about account minimums in financial services. My stated concern was that 80-85% of the US population doesn’t have enough assets to qualify for most advisors’ $500,000 minimum. They either do it themselves or work with commissioned sales people. They don’t have access to independent, objective advice from a qualified fiduciary to

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Thinking About Reaching Out to Someone? Science Says Do It   Drop the note; make the call; send the text. Overcoming acquaintance inertia leads to surprisingly positive results. Before You Fly The Nest: Advice For Kids Heading to College   Share this life advice with the new

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web On Sarcasm   I was a caustically sarcastic teenager. I made the decision to be nicer in college and dropped sarcasm. Now, people act like I just don’t get it when I don’t appreciate sarcasm. Anyone else? Misinformation Is Here To Stay (And That’s OK)   Not

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There is a lot of negative news out there right now. Inflation is the worst it has been in 4 decades, there may be a recession around the corner (we may just be waiting for the National Bureau of Economic Research to verify what the 2 quarters of negative GDP has already told us), supply

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Reading The News is the New Smoking   For most of us, a reduction in news consumption would probably lead to better decisions and greater happiness. Why Optimists Live Longer Than The Rest Of Us   I believe this research, but I’m not sure it’s helpful. I

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web How the Brain ‘Constructs’ the Outside World   We don’t see the whole picture. We build the world on top of our own filtered experience. How to Be a Little Less Judgmental   It takes an indescribable amount of energy to judge everything. It’d be best for

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Not Financial Advice. This is a great piece from Young Money: the best personal finance blog you’ve never heard of. Tell your kids to read this blog. Compounded Luck Advantages compound. Disadvantages compound. A society can be judged on how it handles unearned advantages. Mentality The job

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Optimism When All Else Fails “I think the real and tangible thing we can do is not give up.” Beach Currents Don’t Have to Be This Deadly Last year, my brother was one of the hundreds of people who drowned after getting caught in the rip current.

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