Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web 25iq Quotations: Charlie Munger I love Charlie Munger. I just have to revisit this every now and again… The Play Deficit We are beginning to see the consequences of pressured “development” over a natural, play-based childhood. What Does It Mean to Really, Truly Rest? It is not

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Dacher Keltner presents Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How it Can Transform Your Life   If you’re in the SF Bay Area and like happiness, this would be worth your time to attend. Social Media May Prevent Users from Reaping Creative Rewards of Profound

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As I wrote this in the run-up to the holiday season, markets seemed to be on the mend from the bear that started January 3rd, the air was coming out of the inflation balloon, and talk of recession probabilities was the new crisis du jour (it ALWAYS has to be something). The biggest surprise to

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Life Is Hard. And That’s Good   We cannot extinguish grief, but maybe we can do grief better? Surrendering Isn’t Giving Up: Why We Need to Accept What’s Happened   The first step in any pursuit is accepting what has come before. The Psychology of Prestige: Why

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In early December, I was on a panel entitled Sustaining, Enduring and Thriving Through Crisis at the 2022 Market Counsel Summit. Diana Britton, managing editor of WealthManagement.com, convened us. My fellow panelists were Gavin Spitzner, president of Wealth Consulting Partners, John Hyland, a managing director with Private Advisor Group, and Marc Nichols, a product director

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web The Real Magic of Rituals   Feeling in control (even if it isn’t true) helps us perform better. 2022 Photo Contest Winners   Some of the most beautiful photos… ever. (Thanks for the link, Chuck.) Naturally Produce More Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphin and Oxytocin for a Happier Brain

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Since my brother died, my meditation practice has been spotty because whenever I attempt to sit quietly I’m quickly overwhelmed by feelings of loss surrounding Dave’s death. From a meditation practice perspective, this is emotional overwhelm. When I brought this up with a teacher, I learned that the brain’s response to overwhelm is the same,

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Thursday last week, I returned home after a 7-day silent Vipassana meditation retreat at Spirit Rock. Our day started with a bell of awakening at 6:00 am and our first sit in the meditation hall started at 6:30. Our last sit in the meditation hall ended at 9:30 pm. All told, we spent about 7

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Thanks Martine for not just creating a tearful episode. I very much appreciate the opportunity to remember some of the good times with and funny stories about my brother, Dave. It was my pleasure to be your guest. ABOUT THE EPISODE Jonathan and his brother Dave had plans. Jonathan has been a financial advisor working

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