This City Was Just Named the Healthiest Place to Live in the U.S. | Beware the Hidden Costs | Optimism in a Time of Doomsaying | Radio Shack Commercial for Cell Phones – 1987 (Video) | Make a Long-Term Plan and Stick to It

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The Definitive Guide to Tipping Around the World | The Princess Bride: An Oral History | To Break Unhealthy Habits, Stop Obsessing Over Willpower | 4 Reasons Not to Buy Into the Real Estate Hype | 5 Steps to Spring-Cleaning Your Investment Portfolio

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This Anniversary, I’ll Be Better: Grieving in Cycles | The Paradox of Productivity | State of Sleep in the U.S. [Facts & Figures] | The Great American Novels | 20 Lessons From 20 Years of Managing Money

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The Seven Laws of Pessimism | Are You Catastrophizing? Here’s How to Stop Assuming the Worst. | 100 Small Acts of Love | What You Can Learn from Regret | Forget Me Not

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Chicken Littles Are Ruining America | The Work Required to Have an Opinion | A Practice and Resistance | The Hidden Ways Sleep Deprivation Warps Your Reality | A Few Thoughts on Spending Money

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Big thank you to my friend, Cedric Francis, for treating every other sentence I utter like a “Knowledge Bomb.” You are far too kind!!! If you don’t know Cedric, check out the good work he and his wife do in Texas at MTS Outreach. ABOUT THE EPISODE Jonathan DeYoe is a Lutheran Seminarian turned Buddhist Academic

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This Is How To Spend Your Money To Maximize Happiness | Writing Things Down May Help You Remember Information More Than Typing | “Leave Your Problems Outside” | Would You Like to Change (Aspects Of) Your Personality? | Why Do Investors Keep Their Financial Advisors Around?

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Harry Duran of the Podcast Junkies interviews Jonathan DeYoe, bestselling author of Mindful Investing and Mindful Money.

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Thanks to Kirk at MoneyTree for having me back for a second time. I love every chance I get to create a little simplicity in the money world. ABOUT THE EPISODE This week we interview Jonathan DeYoe about Mindful Money and 5 tips that you can use today for better financial health. ABOUT KIRK CHISHOLM

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