Why Your Parents Should Buy You a House | So You Invested in Berkshire Hathaway: What Did You Buy? | Price Controls Redux? | Seriously – This American Life, Sara Bareilles, and Leslie Odom, Jr. (Video) | A Number From Today and A Story About Tomorrow

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The 60/30/10 A-hole Rule | Study Suggests Five-Second Break Can Defuse an Argument Between Coupled Partners | The Power of Supercitizens | 6 Retirement Financial Myths to Avoid | Three Things – Weekend Reading

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Here we are, again, in the midst of market turbulence… As a reminder, the average annual peak-to-trough decline in the S&P 500 is nearly 15%. This means that every year the market drops at some point (from a high point to a low point within the year) by an average of 15% – some years

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What Will You Leave Behind? | Fill The Bathtub | How to Fully Appreciate Your Loving Relationships | The Real Reason People Aren’t Having Kids | The Cratering Economic Prospects of White Men Raised Poor

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Only 4% of Poor People Become Rich. Why is it so Hard for the Poor to Become Rich? | Why Doesn’t Advice Work? | Intelligence and Prejudice | The Folly of Certainty | What is the Best Performing Stock of All Time?

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Advanced Meditation Alters Consciousness and Our Basic Sense of Self | Understanding Risk, Living With Uncertainty | This City Was Just Named the Healthiest Place to Live in the U.S. | The Stock Market Never Changes | The Last Time the S&P 500 Dropped More Than 2% Was 512 Days Ago

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Gallup’s 2024 Global Emotions Report | How To Think About Group Differences | No Hard Feelings | Intellectual Courage as the Scarcest Resource | All in One Place

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Gallup’s 2024 Global Emotions Report | How To Think About Group Differences | No Hard Feelings | Intellectual Courage as the Scarcest Resource | All in One Place

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Investing can often feel like navigating a vast, unpredictable ocean. Markets rise and fall, news headlines shift sentiment, and even seasoned investors can find themselves questioning their decisions. In such a turbulent environment, finding a guiding principle can be invaluable. There was a book I read to my kids when they were young, Zen Shorts by Jon

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