Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web To Have Better Disagreements, Change Your Words We live in a divided world. This will make it a little less divided. Seeing Stories of Kindness May Counteract the Negative Effects of Consuming Bad News   Reading the news is bad for your mental health. Seek stories of

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web How to Wander We have forgotten how to wander. Stop Being Who You Aren’t   You do you. You are beautiful just as you are. AI Canon   If you are behind on or overwhelmed by AI… a few deeper-dive readings to catch up. Billionaires and the

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web ‘You Can’t Say That!’: How to Argue, Better And, as we enter the election season, please remember that HOW you argue matters. Dear Americans, Define “Worse Off”   It is easy to think that things are terrible (I mean, that’s what everyone says). But, is it true?

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web American Crisis: How We Lost Our Faith in the Future and How To Get It Back It shouldn’t always be about how bad it is or has become; it should be about how good it can (will) be. I look forward to these essays. Tevye On The

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Letters from a Vanishing Friend A long, worth-it, bear-hug of a read. Lovely. Europe’s Best Cities: Powered By Resonance   Travel expands our minds and hearts. It enhances our sense of connection and adds to our well-being. Letting Teenagers Work   Kids should go back to work

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Why Friendships Among Men Are So Important I am so happy to have a small group of 4 men that allow me to totally fall apart without judgment. This is so important. Ten Charts I Can’t Stop Thinking About I just love really good graphs stuffed with

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web How to Bear Your Loneliness: Grounding Wisdom from the Great Buddhist Teacher Pema Chödrön How dealing with our most difficult emotions can lead to deep awakenings. Twelve New Films That Highlight the Best in Humanity We are always shown the worst at every turn. Here is taste

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web 5 Ways to Increase Your Happiness, According to Science All 5 of these are available in every moment. 2,000 Years of Kindness   In the end, it all comes down to this: Kindness. There’s a Psychological ‘Vaccine’ against Misinformation   We can’t force everyone, but we can

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web How to Find Joy in Your Sisyphean Existence When it all seems pointless or absurd – laugh, do some good, or just wash the dishes. Why Do High IQ People Stagnate in Their Careers? Emotional Intelligence   You should absolutely build your IQ, but not at the

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