Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Why Paul Simon? The story of a great song-writer told by a great story-teller. Dodging the Diderot Effect It’s OK to spend on stuff, so long as it is the right stuff for you and so long as you know the limits. Hugging the X-Axis The process

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Wesley and I talk about two things that are always true about personal finance. And, we discuss the difference between wealth and mindful wealth. We have a tendency, upon attaining wealth, to seek to protect it and keep it (this can make a lot of sense when resources are scarce). Sometimes this ends in separating

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Financial planning is tough, but it’s more about character than intelligence. Focusing on long-term gives you an edge and allows patience to be your most important tool. Shark Bite Biz’s David Strausser interviews Jonathan DeYoe, CPWA, AIF, owner and author of Mindful Money about why he doesn’t speculate (buy lottery tickets or Bitcoin). ABOUT DAVID

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The most important element of the financial planning process is discovering what is important to you and defining what success means for you. Ian, thanks for the opportunity to share. ABOUT IAN LOBAS & MEN ON PURPOSE Featuring, celebrating & digging deep into high-level Men On Purpose from around the world who have gotten clarity

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Mark and I talk about the ways anyone can “behave” themselves to wealth, but how we have to overcome some of our most fundamental human biases to do so. As usual, I’m going to point to mindfulness and meditation as useful tools to boost your own awareness and improve your decision making. ABOUT THE EPISODE

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Christian hosts me on The Growth Zone podcast 3 weeks after my brother dies. He catches me in the middle of a re-evaluation of my own life. We ask questions about what is important – what really matters. Remembering that everything is impermanent creates focus in a way that our normal day-to-day cannot. ABOUT THE

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COVID-19 has changed the way in which we invest, spend and how we prioritize what we have, and what we need to live our best lives. Predicting how the stock market or any other investment is going to do is not a sure thing. Reflecting on where we’ve been, and where we are, can help

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Those of you who regularly read my weekly missives already know that my younger brother died on June 17th.  In the parlance of our childhood games, he was my “base.” In a game of tag (and a variety of run and chase games), you were always safe on base. In the last 2 decades he

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Keith and I have a great conversation that covers a lot of ground. We talk about investing, retirement, divorce, raising kids, managing risk in our lives, doing what we love, mindfulness, staying true to our plans, and a lot more. ABOUT THE EPISODE How does the state of our mind affect the way we make

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