It is obvious that it depends on the depth of a particular bear market. It’s slightly less obvious that it also depends a great deal on how long you have been invested. If you have recently begun investing –OR– if you have recently changed your investing philosophy and a bear market arrives, it is very

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Thanks Michael for the conversation. I appreciate the opportunity to talk about the vision my brother and I had so long ago. ABOUT THE EPISODE “When you think about your finances, stop predicting, start planning and stay mindful.” Jonathan DeYoe Most people have free-floating anxiety about anything to do with money. However, embracing mindfulness in

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web What’s the Secret to Happiness? My dad would love this. He would read it and quote Polonius’ instruction to Laertes: “This above all: to thine own self be true.” Happiness begins with knowing ourselves. Mindfulness Hurts. That’s Why It Works. Confronting our challenges hurts. Ignoring reality and

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This is a really important distinction to know about. Whether you notice the storytelling or not… it is happening all the time. The more you notice it, the less you suffer. An Acute Personal Example For those of you who are relatively new to this blog or newsletter, my brother died last year – the

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With markets down into almost-bear-market-territory, nerves are fraying and questions are being asked. It is perhaps time for another reminder that, “This too shall pass.” The following is the market data surrounding all the bear markets (or near bear markets) in the S&P 500 since its inception on March 4th, 1957. In the 26 years

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Nobody Knows Anything, Kentucky Derby Edition The best thing I read this week: On Overconfidence. No, America Is Not Collapsing The fall of America is not on the horizon. Our demise is being over-stated. How Good Are You at Detecting Bullshit? Take Our Test Because we are

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A “Bear Market” is usually defined as the condition in which the price of a market falls – on a closing basis – 20% (or more) from recent highs amid widespread negative investor sentiment. That’s the definition. Can you tell me: Are we in a Bear Market? It depends. Your answer to the question, “Are

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web The Flood of ’72: Fifty Years Later Podcast Trauma begets recollections of trauma. When I was 7 months old, a flood destroyed much of my hometown, Rapid City, SD, killing 238 people. My dad, working for the local power company, discovered many bodies. The stories started coming

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The last couple weeks we’ve been highlighting the only three percentages that matter. These are the three measurable and controllable percentages that are absolutely critical to your long-term financial plan, especially your retirement-income success: Savings Rate: The percentage of your income you save Equity Allocation: The percentage of your portfolio you place in equities Withdrawal

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