Chicken Littles Are Ruining America | The Work Required to Have an Opinion | A Practice and Resistance | The Hidden Ways Sleep Deprivation Warps Your Reality | A Few Thoughts on Spending Money

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We Must Pay More Attention to Young Men | Quitting Time | In Praise of Non-Conformity | NASA’s Webb Depicts Staggering Structure in 19 Nearby Spiral Galaxies | Inherited Wealth is a Disadvantage

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Big thank you to my friend, Cedric Francis, for treating every other sentence I utter like a “Knowledge Bomb.” You are far too kind!!! If you don’t know Cedric, check out the good work he and his wife do in Texas at MTS Outreach. ABOUT THE EPISODE Jonathan DeYoe is a Lutheran Seminarian turned Buddhist Academic

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This Is How To Spend Your Money To Maximize Happiness | Writing Things Down May Help You Remember Information More Than Typing | “Leave Your Problems Outside” | Would You Like to Change (Aspects Of) Your Personality? | Why Do Investors Keep Their Financial Advisors Around?

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Introducing the Habits for Happiness Quiz | NBER: Asset Demand of U.S. Households | Tree FM | Information That Would Get Your Attention | The 6 Best Budgeting Apps to Replace Mint in 2024

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What Is the Best Way to Handle Stress? | The Curious Joy of Being Wrong | Moving Goalposts | The ‘Enshittification’ of TikTok | 12 Lessons the Market Taught Investors in 2023

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web What I Wish Someone Had Told Me How life works! Three Insights to Help You Build Bridges Across Differences We’re all different. We hold differing beliefs and opinions. The “others” are not evil. Pluralism is the only way forward. The Age of Doom Things are not as

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web 3 Hard Truths You Need to Hear Want to get out of your own way? Mark Manson is an acquired taste, but absolutely worth listening to on a regular basis. 20 Timeless Truths of Health and Wellbeing The “how-to” of health and well-being are known. However, they

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Wanting What Someone Else Has If you’re going to envy (and you know that you are), be sure you’re envying the right things. How To Make Friends as an Adult Would you like 1 more friend? How about 2? Poet and Philosopher David Whyte on the Deeper

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