It has been a rough week for me personally. I find myself attempting to meditate more, reading poetry, and perusing books of quotes. I am seeking hope and inspiration in what feels like pretty dark times. If you are going through it with me, I hope some of these will be helpful… “When you are

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Many clients have lost loved ones over the years – parents, partners, kids, and siblings. We can’t understand the devastating life-altering effects on those who are left until it happens to us. What do you do with an open wound that you know will never close? Thank you Diana and for the opportunity to

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Thank you to our nearly 2000 subscribers who seem to be engaging more, both on social media and by simply emailing us. I appreciate your feedback and your questions… keep ‘em coming. This question came from a subscriber in California. This is largely an area of opinion. Lots of things I write about have been

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Your Career Is Just One-Eighth of Your Life   “Career advice as a genre is almost fatally flawed.” Here is some excellent career advice. The Most Boring Superpower Ever   You benchpress 200 lbs? Wow!! But… can you sleep 10 hours a day? The Olive Tree of

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Americans Are Terrible at Taking Vacations. Why Are U.S. Workers So Bad at Taking Time Off?   Even those who have vacation time use it sparingly. Life is short, we need to get serious about R&R. The Best of Times   The joys of running a small

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Five Lessons from History   Every single one of these is spot on… #3 and #4 are my personal favorites. What are yours? How to Avoid the Envy Trap   Here are 6 practical tools to help you avoid comparing yourself to others. I would start with

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Confidence and Validity   The confidence an expert exudes has less to do with the validity of their intuition than the domain in which the expert operates. “A Good Study”   Being published is NOT proof that the science is settled. Did they show their work? Was

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Happy to reconnect with an old acquaintance and go deeper personally. I was introduced to the Million Mask Movement when Ashanti came to our kids’ middle school to give a presentation about the masks that boys wear on the playground. It resonated and I was super excited to be invited to his podcast, Taking Off

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The last 2 weeks, I’ve been talking about “account minimums” in the financial services industry. 8/8/22 – Minimums Are Necessary, But I Don’t Like Them 8/15/22 – No Account Minimum (Part 1): Education for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Financial Planning These issues of “account minimums” and who has access to advice have been on my mind for

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