Captivate Test Page

{{upcoming-events}} Marda Stoliar has improved the world in war torn countries and countries with repressive regimes as well as wealthy and poverty-stricken U.S. neighborhoods. She didn’t do it through politics or activism; she did it through baking. Sheila has had a life and career that has spanned across geographies, years, and roles. She’s worked in...
{{upcoming-events}} Dr. Eric J. Holsapple is a successful developer, author and entrepreneur who has used mindfulness to transform both his life and his business. He’s got a PhD in Economics and has been involved in the real estate industry for forty years. He works with people to merge business and mindfulness as a catalyst for...
Toby Bloomberg is one of the original web-marketing leaders. Forbes listed her original Diva Marketing Blog as one of the top twenty social media blogs for women. She put together the first book ever written on Twitter by interviewing forty marketing leaders over Twitter and compiling their 140 character answers into her successful ebook, Social...
Sharmeen Bhanji-Abeysinghe is a Spiritual Somatic Movement Mentor. She speaks of movement as medicine and she’s on a mission to eradicate childhood trauma due to poverty. Today, Sharmeen joins the show to share lessons she learned from her own experiences with childhood financial trauma, why we’ve become so disassociated with our own bodies and initial...
Adam Carroll has spent the last decade studying human behavior, particularly as it relates to leadership and personal finance. He’s an internationally recognized financial literacy expert, a two-time TEDx speaker, and the author of four Amazon best-sellers. Today, Adam joins the show to share his passion for helping people create financial freedom through unconventional financial...
Yvonne DiVita is an author, book coach, author advisor, and overall book whisperer. She loves helping women especially share their stories and speak louder than ever before. Today, Yvonne joins the show to share how she helps entrepreneurs and successful business professionals enhance their brand, generate leads & market their business by writing a book....
Dr. Jordan Grumet, or Doc G as he is affectionately known, is a doctor of internal medicine and a hospice care medical director turned financial blogger and author. He has been a financial independence blogger for a decade and hosts the award-winning Earn and Invest Podcast. Today, Dr. Jordan talks about his roots growing up...
Jackie Woodside is a certified professional coach and licensed psycho-therapist who has twenty-fives years of experience in both fields. She’s the author of three bestselling books, Calming the Chaos, Time for Change, and Money Vibe. Jackie is a TEDx Speaker and an expert in creating conscious communities. Today, Jonathan and Jackie talk about early money...
Jamie & Jacklyn Purvis are the father-daughter founders of the Be Do Have Movement, a high- performance coaching company. They help people get unstuck to build bigger businesses and better lives. It’s their mission to empower people to be the best they can be, and have the courage to follow their dreams and live their...
Melissa Giller is a certified life coach, an MBA-educated business consultant, a podcast host and a mentor to millennial women. She’s a self-proclaimed spiritual junkie, bringing deep introspection, compassion, and non-judgement to client work, right alongside things like strategic results-oriented action. Today, Jonathan and Melissa engage in a deep discussion on overcoming fear, the power...