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{{upcoming-events}} Emily Laura Derr is the Founder of Grassroots Impact Creative Coach, where she helps creative people break through resistance and coaches creative businesses to craft messaging and build community. Today, Emily joins the show to discuss the concept of resistance, where it comes from, and best practices on how to overcome it both as...
{{upcoming-events}} Aja Evans is a board-certified therapist, speaker, and writer who is focused on financial well being. After ten years in a mental health practice, she noticed the emotional impact of how people interact with their money, especially black people. She saw reflections of her own journey to financial literacy and her own reckoning with...
{{upcoming-events}} Fiona Valentine is a business coach and the creator of Business School for Artists, a program for aspiring artists who want to paint for fun and for profit, even if they’ve never sold any of their work before. Fiona has over 30 years of teaching, painting and business under her belt that includes her...
{{upcoming-events}} Charles Hudson is the Founder and Managing Partner of Precursor Ventures, and early-stage venture capital firm focused on investing in the first institutional round of investments for the most promising software and hardware companies. Today, Charles joins the show to discuss the work he does as a venture capital investor, his philosophy of investing...
{{upcoming-events}} Jason Scott Montoya is a lifelong entrepreneur, not surprising as he’s come from four previous generations of entrepreneurs. Jason grows their online influence & program sales for people development-oriented organizations. He is guided by his values of love, mindfulness, mastery, dependability, and openness. Today, Jason joins the show to discuss his journey from entrepreneurship...
{{upcoming-events}} Paul Montoy-Wilson is an entrepreneur with a vision of helping people with their relationship to money and their personal money mindsets. Paul developed and launched Allo, a financial wellness app that focuses on mindful money practices. Today, Paul joins the show to discuss his personal and financial values, the relationship between spending and happiness...
{{upcoming-events}} Gil Baumgarten is a disruptive wealth management pioneer. After battling UBS in defense of 100% ETF portfolios, a direct assault on the firm’s fee-rich mutual fund business, he was on the original beta-test team of six advisors permitted to run discretionary ETF portfolios in 2002. He has since been named one of the “Top-20...
{{upcoming-events}} Rocky Lalvani serves as Chief Profitability Officer (CPO) for business owners. He helps small business owners maximize their business’ profit so that they have time and freedom to do what they love. He does this by changing the mental accounting formula from ‘Sales minus Expenses equals Profits’ to ‘Sales minus Profits equals Expenses.’ The...
{{upcoming-events}} Alice Shikina is an international speaker, negotiation coach, and divorce mediator. She’s the author of the book, Negotiating with Your Kids. Alice is passionate about helping people out of conflict and moving forward with their lives. Today, Jonathan and Alice talk all about marriage, divorce, and navigating the difficult topic of finances throughout the...
{{upcoming-events}} Dr. Mary Martin is a trauma sensitive mindfulness educator, a futures thinker, and the author of Mindfulness for Financial Advisors: Practicing A New Way of Being . She’s certified by Brown University to teach mindfulness-based stress reduction and has a PhD from NYU’s School of Culture, Education & Human Development. Dr. Mary has worked...