075: Kristen Wonch – Overcoming the Hurdle of Limiting Financial Beliefs


Kristen Wonch is a money coach who works with women to build a relationship with money that turns them on. She does this by teaching women how to earn more, hold onto more, and grow it more simply.

A self-proclaimed, ‘wealth ninja,’ Kristen joins the show today to discuss the impact our financial beliefs have on our success, the differences between masculine and feminine energy, and how to avoid the three fatal mistakes investors make.

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Key Takeaways

00:54 – Jonathan introduces today’s guest, Kristen Wonch, who joins the show to share her journey to financial planning and how she made an early association between money and goals

07:22 – Breaking down masculine and feminine energy

14:02 – Where Kristen gets her information and how she differentiates herself as a financial coach

20:09 – The impact of our beliefs

24:48 – Overcoming the hurdle of limiting beliefs

34:12 – How men and women approach finances differently

38:29 – The shift in society around equality and opportunity

40:49 – Three fatal mistakes that investors make

45:34 – One piece of advice Kristen would give to a woman looking to invest for the first time and one thing to completely avoid

49:34 – The last thing Kristen changed her mind about and one thing people don’t know about her that she would like them to know

52:52 – Jonathan thanks Kristen for joining the show and lets listeners know where to connect with her

Tweetable Quotes

“What I grew up believing about money was that there wasn’t a lot of it. Money was a thing to be stressed about, it wasn’t to be overspent, and it wasn’t to be spent on things that were luxuries.” (02:48) (Kristen)

“In our society, we’re socialized to believe that the masculine energy is the way to make shit happen – it’s the way to make money, it’s the way to achieve, it’s the way to climb the corporate ladder. So, society doesn’t socialize us to value a lot of the feminine energy aspects, like building relationships, empathy, having emotional intelligence.” (12:34) (Kristen)

“We all have beliefs. All of the beliefs you have about money – all the beliefs you have about yourself and the beliefs you have about world – that drives every single one of your actions. And most of the beliefs that you’re holding you’re not even aware that you have; you actually think that it’s true.” (18:40) (Kristen)

“With the inequality conversation, believing that there are certain things, both structural and societal, that mean you can’t be successful. Well that belief serves you because if you have that belief, you don’t have to go after your dreams or your goals. You just get to sit inaction and stay safe. Well, that’s not gonna get you a large and fulfilling life, so stop telling yourself that shit.” (24:08) (Kristen)

“You can create results, you can make money, you can build wealth, and you don’t have to burn out doing it. You don’t have to exhaust yourself. Your health is more important. You can’t pour from an empty cup.” (32:33) (Kristen)

“A lot of women, the biggest thing that holds them back is not feeling safe to have, hold, and make a lot of money. They believe they’re going to be judged. They believe that they’re not good with money, and so they try to get rid of it. They believe that they’re going to be a target. That lack of safety that women feel by growing and expanding I think holds a lot of women back.” (36:44) (Kristen)

Guest Resources

Mindful Money’s Long-Term Cost of an Advisor calculator

100 Money Blocks Free Guide

Kristen’s LinkedIn

Kristen’s Website

Women’s Money Mastery

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Mindful Money Resources



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