050: Jason Scott Montoya – Cutting Out the Noise


Jason Scott Montoya is a lifelong entrepreneur, not surprising as he’s come from four previous generations of entrepreneurs. Jason grows their online influence & program sales for people development-oriented organizations. He is guided by his values of love, mindfulness, mastery, dependability, and openness.

Today, Jason joins the show to discuss his journey from entrepreneurship to freelancing, the importance of meeting people where they are, and the incredible value that entrepreneurship can bring to your life. Jason and Jonathan talk about cutting out the noise, what Jason misses the most about running a team, and what the transition was like going from running a business to becoming a full-time freelancer.

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Key Takeaways

00:51 – Jonathan introduces today’s guest, Jason Montoya, who joins the show to share his experience as a fifth generation entrepreneur and being open about discussing money

09:11 – Early financial lessons imparted on Jason

15:08 – Jason’s career arc

18:38 – The importance of fully committing

21:44 – Defining ‘freelancing’ and the transition from business owner to freelancing

31:20 – Considering entrepreneurship as a path

36:52 – The Jump: a letter to Jason’s younger self

40:07 – What Jason misses about running a team

43:04 – One piece of business advice to heed and one thing to completely ignore

46:20 – The last thing Jason changed his mind about and the one question Jason would like to know the answer to

49:52 – Jonathan thanks Jason for joining the show today and lets listeners know where to connect with him

Tweetable Quotes

“Entrepreneurialism was always something in me, and just my personality of being highly extroverted and ambitious, and just having a safe and loving home, community, family, and church life. It just gave me that safe space to dream big and go after it.” (04:38) (Jason)

“Money is a vehicle for some destination. And I think, for many people, they lose sight of that and make it about the money itself.” (12:48) (Jason)

“If I’m gonna do this – and I’m gonna do it right, and I’m gonna steward this business well – it’s gonna be really hard. And so, if I’m going to do something really hard like that, I gotta be fully committed to it.” (18:38) (Jason)

“One of the things I ask freelancers to try to figure out if they are fully committed – and it’s a key question that you need to ask yourself – ‘if your bank account was empty, and you didn’t have any work in front of you, is your first thought: ‘Where am I gonna get my next project?’ or is it, ‘I need to get a job?’ Because if you’re fully committed, you’re looking for next project.” (20:03) (Jason)

“As a freelancer, there’s benefits and downsides to being independent. We have the freedom to be independent, but the downside is we’re in the fire. We are the firefighter. And so, we have to be resilient to deal with the heat.” (28:19) (Jason)

“In a lot of ways the book is also a letter to the clients I work with. I work with clients to help them grow their sales and influence. I use different digital marketing strategies and tactics. But, my Trojan Horse is really how do I help them become the type of person that runs these types of systems to make their business better, and to be a better boss, and be a better leader and a better fulfiller.” (39:31) (Jason)

“We are distracted when we don’t know the finish line. But when we know the finish line, we know if something is or is not a distraction because it is either contributing to us moving towards the finish line or it is detracting from it.” (45:25) (Jason)

Guest Resources

Jason’s Website

Jason’s Facebook

Jason’s Twitter

Jason’s LinkedIn

Jason’s Instagram

Jason’s Books:

Path of the Freelancer

The Jump

Mindful Money Resources



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