033: Melissa Giller – Manifestation, Breadcrumbs & Intentionally Focusing on the Good

Melissa Giller is a certified life coach, an MBA-educated business consultant, a podcast host and a mentor to millennial women. She’s a self-proclaimed spiritual junkie, bringing deep introspection, compassion, and non-judgement to client work, right alongside things like strategic results-oriented action.

Today, Jonathan and Melissa engage in a deep discussion on overcoming fear, the power of self-trust, and techniques for manifesting what you truly want.

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Key Takeaways

01:11 – Jonathan introduces today’s guest, Melissa Giller, who joins the show to share financial lessons she learned growing up in Winnipeg

06:58 – From Human Resources, to becoming a mother, to running her own coaching business

13:27 – The inspiration to pursue business coaching

19:43 – Landing her first client and the impact Melissa is having on her clients

23:17 – Overcoming fear

31:14 – Manifestation techniques

37:39 – One piece of financial advice to heed and one thing to absolutely ignore

40:02 – The last thing Melissa changed her mind about and one thing that he would like people to know about her

42:06 – Jonathan thanks Melissa for joining the show and let’s listeners know where to connect with her

Tweetable Quotes

“I was financially literate. I always knew my way around how to balance a book. I even remember opening my first bank account when I was, I think, five and getting back the book that the teller stamped.” (04:29)

“One day I had this massive panic attack. It was like something that I’d never experienced before where all of the breath left my body completely. And it was the universe, I’m sure, shaking me by my shoulders saying, ‘Wake up. This is a waste of your life and your purpose. You’ve befallen so far off this path.’ That itself is a whole other story…but I found myself back on the path by enlisting various forms of support.” (11:39)

“When I was twenty years old, I said, ‘I’m gonna be a life coach one day…’ I had this desire and I had no idea why, but it was a breadcrumb. It was the thing that I just knew. And so, I started looking at coaching options. And, of course the coaching industry was really building at this point. We saw a huge boom around the pandemic when so many people started bringing their talent and skills to the virtual market. But, I basically started pursuing what I wanted to study and then I started sharing about my experiences.” (14:26)

“It’s a two-way street. A coaching relationship is very sacred in my mind. And I want to make sure that we’re both primed and ready for that, because there’s definitely people I’ve said, ‘No thank you’ to. And there’s people who I don’t feel would be a good fit.” (21:40)

“I really think the impact I’m leaving people with is that ability to trust themselves more fully. And in that self-trust is inner confidence and self-esteem. And when both of those things start to rise, you’re unstoppable. You can get through anything. It doesn’t matter if it’s parenting, work, your marriage, or your negative thoughts.” (22:26)

“What is the feeling you hope to gain from this desire? The universe works in energetics. It picks up on frequency, on vibration. And when you can fully immerse yourself in the vibration of what you want, you become a magnet for it and you attract it in.” (35:03)

Guest Resources

Melissa’s LinkedIn

Melissa’s Website

Melissa’s Podcast

Melissa’s Blog

Mindful Money Resources



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