Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web 5 Ways to Keep Your Friendships Strong—Even When Life Is Hectic Paths to deeper friendship: Intention, Consistency, Vulnerability, Novelty, Praise. How It All Works (A Few Short Stories) We discover new falsehoods in old facts too often to remain so absolute about what we “know” to be

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web Examining the History of the U.S. Racial Wealth Divide Shows Stagnating Progress on Closing These Disparities We have made a lot of progress, but the gap is still very wide and progress has slowed. In Defense of the Unoptimized Life   Stop with all the productivity hacking

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In a recent post, Rohan of the alearningaday.blog wrote about the difference between Responsibility and Accountability. His basic assertion, that the difference between the two lies in our ability to delegate them, brought to my mind an individual’s choice of paying for financial advice. Advisors don’t always appreciate the difficulty this choice presents, and Rohan’s

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web 7 Unexpected Tips We Learned From Relationship Therapists This Year for Boosting Connection and Intimacy Go to bed angry… and other unexpected tips for deepening your love relationships. Why Is It So Hard to Change?   How do I overcome the resistance and do the thing??? Here’s

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Jason leads an incredible interview. He asked great questions and then everywhere we turned, he had a resource or a suggestion. He made me think about things I have not thought about before, and if you know me… you know that is a big deal! He is a polymath among interviewers. ABOUT THE EPISODE Discussion

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This blog is the eighth of a 10-part series which covers everything you need to know to get started on your path to financial freedom: 1. The First Step in Any Financial Plan is NOT What You Think. We Start by Knowing What is Worth Seeking. 2. Developing Your Vision of a Perfect Life 3. Adopt a Savings

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web How to Create Luck Because every success can be traced, at least partially, to luck. What the Culture Wars Get Wrong   What if the narratives we are fed aren’t true? How would we know… Justifying Optimism   Optimists are crazy, just look at the world. Yet,

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This blog is the seventh of a 10-part series which covers everything you need to know to get started on your path to financial freedom: 1. The First Step in Any Financial Plan is NOT What You Think. We Start by Knowing What is Worth Seeking. 2. Developing Your Vision of a Perfect Life 3. Adopt a Savings

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Featured Articles: Good Writing From Around The Web An Ancient Technique Can Improve Your Attention Span   Mindfulness is meta-awareness training –the ability to be aware of how you’re spending your awareness resources. 7 Self-Reflection Questions to Create Your Own Happiness This Year   Back to basics. Start with self-reflection… Five Ways to Be Calm

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