068: Julie Bergfeld – Finding What Makes Your Heart Sing: A Deep Intrinsic Process


Julie Bergfeld is a health, wellness and life coach, specializing in performance, stress management, and healthy habits. She’s worked in academia and technology and is currently a yoga teacher who is dedicated to her own mindfulness practice.

Today, Julie joins the show to engage in a rich discussion on purpose, mindfulness and pursuing what makes your heart sing.

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Key Takeaways

00:57 – Jonathan introduces today’s guest, Julie Bergfeld, who joins the show to talk about early financial lessons she learned, receiving stock as a gift instead of toys, and pursuing work that makes her heart sing

09:51 – How Julie got involved in coaching and yoga

14:36 – Finding her own way, defining success & ultra-Marathoning

18:17 – The correlation between athletic success and financial success

24:24 – How opening a yoga studio changed Julie’s thinking on money and wealth

26:54 – From Shavasana to coaching

30:47 – Discovering mindfulness

33:42 – Julie’s coaching process

36:47 – One thing that we can do to lead to greater personal and financial success and one thing to avoid doing

41:03 – The Puzzle Rules

42:39 – One thing Julie would want others to know about and the one question Julie would want to know the answer to

44:04 – Jonathan thanks Julie for joining the show and lets listeners know where to connect with her

Tweetable Quotes

“I learned – this was more as a teenager – that you really need to do things that yes make money, but that are deeply tied to your values and that make your heart sing.” (09:28) (Julie)

“I really fell in love with technology. I fell in love with the aspect of learning, for one thing, and that plays into coaching and yoga. But I found my way, if you will.” (15:12) (Julie)

“I consider yoga, in a lot of ways, a transitional point in my life. And it provided a lot of healing and affirmation that I was enough.” (20:41) (Julie)

“You take the valuable things you learn from your family: pay off your debt as soon as possible. But, I wanted to move forward with what I loved, instead of being beholden to some other entity where my soul was sucked dry. So, I was able to marry the two, reduce my expenditures, bootstrap everything, and do what made my heart sing at that time.” (24:53) (Julie)

“I consider life coaching and the coaching that I’m doing now as next level yoga coaching or yoga teaching, where it’s coaching the unseen.” (29:00) (Julie)

“How we think affects everything we do in our entire lives.” (36:31) (Julie)

Guest Resources

Julie’s LinkedIn

Julie’s Website

Julie’s YouTube Channel

Julie’s Facebook

Julie’s Instagram

Mindful Money Resources



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